Today was an incredible day of work, horses, husband, and on to supper. There is joy in the calm, the peaceful, the accomplishment, and warm homes!
We are all victims of criticism, but that does not make it less painful. When we are criticized, we may feel embarrassed, angry or even unworthy and incapable. In fact, Winston Churchill compared criticism to 'physical pain'. A recent study has shown that the experiences of rejection, criticism and humiliation are processed in the same brain area that processes pain.
My 'nemesis' and I have a common acquaintance and she has been at the receiving end of accusation and slander. Using criticism as a weapon to try and balance the game in order to make feel inferior only serves to bring me down to her level. To criticize me in front of other people or on social media is a feeble attempt to look honest and damaged. Her anger at a time which served her a short romance and the lingering longing for the yellow roses. This serves as the drama of living in the past and waiting for the 'thing' that will never happen. Because of this situation and other mental issues that come to the surface, being right and staying in the rut will keep her in the vicious cycle of revenge for a situation that never assimilated. She attempts humiliation and shame. Her need to feel powerful will forever haunt the hallways of a long unruly past and will eventually be her demise.
When it comes to threats and the and childish innuendos, I find the best defense is the best offense. I do not need to name her, nor publish immature slogans and videos. The court ruled she was wrong in her behavior and she owes thousands of dollars. Of course, she lies about this and that is okay. She will have to make amends in the life to come. Thinking that I am right does not mean that it is right.