For Noah, the symbol of the rainbow represented the covenant God made with him and his family. This included a promise that the destruction of the flood would never happen again.
Sometimes, we feel like we are in the midst of a great flood and there is no sign of relief. For me, as I wind my way through the speedbumps of my life, the story of Noah can be a lesson for me about how to trust in God’s promises during my storms of life.
After doing some reading and research, the first lesson I learned from Noah is finding safety in following our leaders. I have wonderful mentors and examples in my life. I have a phenomenal friend who supports and encourages me. When our lives are rattled by what seems to be destruction, the council of those I trust can help me feel peace and security amid the chaos. I can avoid deadly consequences as I strive to obey God and His teachings, submitting to His will as taught through His servants. I build my solid foundation on faith, wisdom, and scripture.
As the rains began to cease, Noah sent forth a raven and a dove to see if they were able to land on dry ground. We, too, must keep a constant watch for the goodness of God and the fulfillment of His word. When terrible things begin to happen, it is easy to succumb to hopelessness and fear. This week, my husband’s shoulder surgery hasn’t gone well, the remodel that I have been waiting for is having its moments, and livestock food shortages have been on the top of my worry list. All we hear on the news is how much things are going to cost us and if we are going to battle. We see such things happening in our world today and it can give us pause. We must have faith and perseverance that God will help lead us to our own promised lands. I ask, what does this look like?
As I look around at all I have accomplished in our home, my career, and in taking care of my husband, I see my dove seeking dry ground symbolic of gospel principles and I act on them. I know that I have survived the worst of the worst to be blessed with the wonderful. When the waves beat against my faith, I return to His word and promises again and again. Just as a rainbow, made from light and perspective, our promises can help us embrace the light of Christ in our lives and see our lives with more beauty and eternal color.
I am grateful for all that I have accomplished and soon to accomplish. As we set our eyes to the heavens, so our life shall be!