Although 2022 is well on its way, there are some principles that are timeless to remember about setting goals to improve your success this year. I will be achieving another great goal in June; another one will happen in September. It is not an easy journey but worth it! Today, a court paper was filed and two more are coming behind it. It has not been an easy road, but I have determined to take a stand for myself and family.
1. Start where you are. It’s unrealistic to set the goal of running a marathon in three months if you haven’t been exercising regularly. Be honest in your assessment of where you currently are, and then make some objective goals that are reachable. If you can be realistic about the starting point, you will be more likely to achieve your goal.
2. Strive for 1% improvement. Many years ago, the British cycling team was performing dismally. They ended up hiring a coach who demanded that in the little things that team members did, that they perform just one percent better each day. At the end of the year that one percent improvement a day translated into becoming 37 times better. Choosing a small goal allows you to make regular progress, rather than being overwhelmed and giving up before you see results.
3. Craft a specific plan. Our goals often lack specifics. For example, a goal to get in shape really doesn’t tell your brain what you ought to be doing. On the other hand, if you determine that you will walk for 30 minutes every day, six days a week, beginning at 7:00 a.m. every morning, you know exactly what and when you need to work on that goal. Specificity is one of the keys to self-improvement.
4. Be consistent. If you can’t be consistent with the goal you set, then change the goal. Daily consistency will lead to huge gains over time. Setting a specific time for doing a task is another way will help to stay on track and perform in a way that will make your goal achievable.
5. Expect setbacks. Some days distractions or unexpected things arise, and we need to adjust to accommodate the unforeseen, disrupting our plan. We may also have a lack of motivation for a time that throws us off course. No matter the cause of our setback, just accept it and move on. You need to have a short memory and move on as quickly as possible. Use the experience to learn something to help you be more successful in the future. EXPECT THAT PERSONS AROUND YOU can maliciously set you up to fail. Move around them and onward!
6. Forgive the failure. Forgive yourself when you make mistakes and stumble. Some people spend too much time reviewing their past performances. It seems natural to beat ourselves up and demean our performance and our person. Remember that you are not your performance. If your performance does not measure up, put that behind you and try again.
7. Keep moving. Moving forward is to keep doing something, to keep moving in the direction of the goal that we want to achieve.
8. Make adjustments. I have learned to write, and rewrite a goal, to make sure it is the path that I want to take with the positive end result. Often, we fail to effectively observe our own behavior and make needed adjustments that could produce a different result. We need to observe, adjust, execute, and reassess to keep making forward progress.
9. Build support. There is nothing like having a personal coach or someone who will be totally honest with you. These mentors can offer encouragement and advice when the going becomes difficult. Taking the time to identify someone who has accomplished a similar goal and then asking them to give you advice and encouragement can be a great source of motivation and support. You might even try to identify a person who is currently trying to accomplish the same goal that you are. Working with an ally will help you stay on track, be consistent, and keep improving.
10. Don’t compare. One of the biggest mistakes we make is comparing ourselves and our progress to others. If you compare yourself to others, there is a good chance you will always be disappointed. You need to live your life your own way. Measure your success against yourself and your own progress and no one else’s.
11. Celebrate your successes. Every time you are successful, take a moment and celebrate your success. Whether you do a happy dance, pump your fist, or throw up your arms and shout, acknowledge your achievement. Doing something to celebrate your efforts and results is a great way to positively reinforce your good work and motivation.
About this time of year, New Year’s resolutions seem to evaporate, and we return to doing the things we have always done. Recharge your efforts and set some achievable goals, be specific, follow the steps above, and you will be able to look back and celebrate the steps you have taken towards success.