The weather was cooler and with the cloud cover, it was a comfortable day. The fields had rain during the night and was an answer to prayer. It was a day of gratitude and renewal as rain always brings.
My husband and I are beginning a new adventure this weekend. We will be traveling to a place on our bucket list and launching our boat into the cold, crisp waters. I have been packing our RV here and there with goodies and fresh comforters for the puppies. They have bunks they love to sleep in.
I have been feeling grateful for the blessing that keep coming our way. We work hard, seems like we are always cleaning, the yard is full of beautiful color and fresh vegetables. I love that we get compliments when persons passing by see us in the yard or the fields. I am grateful for the mentors that have been giving me wonderful advice on how to order seed pods and other nursery items that are being included in our business.
It is all that we have wanted, and I am grateful for the love shared between us. Success in the silence .. It is my dreams coming true.