I love that each day is a blank canvas and I can create whatever painting I wish to paint! I can be better than the day before! How is it that people can't be the same way in their judgments and cruel acts? I have learned some incredible lessons over summer with the additional classes that I had the pleasure of being invited to.
One thing that I have learned is that borderline and narcissistic personality disorders share some characteristics which lead even some professionals to confuse the two. For example, individuals with either of these disorders tend to be demanding of others and act entitled. They both demand special treatment. But while this symptom may appear similar in both groups, it comes from different types of self-perception and serves different functions. Individuals with symptoms of narcissists experience self-love and demand special treatment because they believe themselves to be better than others. Individuals with BPD demand special treatment because they believe themselves to be defective. Both disorders benefit from the identification of patterns of distortion of self-perception and making corrections and accommodations. In understanding this division, it has helped me make decisions about my stalker situation moving forward. All will be done through law enforcement including her recent meddling and using my social security number to gain access to my private information and assets and/not limited to the request for mental illness intervention.
If you haven't checked into LIFE LOCK and their many resources, do so. It is saving me time and energy as they do all of the fact checking, the tracking, and presenting it to law enforcement. There are persons in this world that are not satisfied with their own lives and detest others who make lemonade out of lemons. Remember, A self-loathing narcissist is someone who not only has an inflated sense of self-importance but also hates themselves. They are unhappy with themselves and feel like they need admiration from others to feel good about themselves. More often, this condition is defined as having narcissistic personality disorder with comorbid depression. Pretty interesting! As I grow in knowledge and compassion (I credit the college classes that I am taking), I am growing into a person who is self-loving. Remember, narcissism has never been about self-love; it is almost entirely about self-loathing. It has long been established that there are two types of narcissists: "vulnerable" ones, who have low self-esteem and crave affirmation, and "grandiose" ones, who have a genuinely overinflated sense of self.
Today, I received a check for another short story; one that has been written upon the experiences that I have dealt with over years. It is true that true lives makes for the best fiction!