Finally, Friday! I awoke this morning with a filled list of tasks that I want to accomplish today. I love how I have learned to focus on one task at a time until completion. My book launched last night to a limited audience. It was amazing and I am one step further into accomplishing what some say I couldn't do.
I have learned that it is important to focus on a goal. I choose one goal to focus on every day and this allows it to stay at the forefront of my mind to make sure that I spend time during the day working on it. With writing, it has been important for me to break up this huge goal into smaller steps to spread the work over time and level up when necessary.
Allowing my mind to dwell on the past is of little use to me now. Nor can a horrid, snarky person think she knows more than she really knows and taunt. The past is over and I can't change it but I can focus on what is happening now and the wonderful successes that are happening. It is easy to allow negative thinking to take over in our workplace, our personal space, and towards the people around us. The focus is to stay positive and professional in my mindset while I am working and accomplishing my daily goal.
Success is the result of daily habits.