Every thought you think, every word you speak is a form of prayer. Thoughts and words are an expression of your life force. When this force is released into the universe, your environment, it takes shape and form. Be mindful not to give power to things you do not want to experience in your life.
~ Iyanla Vanzant
I refuse to give negativity power. Giving away my personal power robs you of mental strength. Maintaining control of my life requires that I make a conscious choice to take back my power. Before I can create positive change, I need to recognize the ways in which I give my power away.
One way I give power away to others is giving in to guilt trips, refusing to speak up for myself, because in doing so, I give power to others. I begin to blame them for wasting my time or forcing me to do something that I do not wish to do. I need to recognize that I am in charge of myself. I have established healthy physical and emotional boundaries that give me control over how to spend my time and with whom I spend it.
If I yes, it is inferring that I am a victim of unfortunate circumstances. I used to do this and unfortunately, I was the one "thrown under the bus" when the situation became volatile. I need to remember that there will certainly be consequences for the decisions that I make, I need to acknowledge that I always have choices.
If you have been in a situation such as this, please message me with your thoughts.

This is my official blog. My other site by this same name was pirated by a woman named #AnnetteKaye Bedwell, #AnnetteKayeCasady, #AnnetteKayeReynolds, #AnnetteKayeKruse, #MistyDawn, #RedBedwell (she is known many alias' and is in possession and uses all personal information owned by me).
To date, she has refused to return my site and blog back to me.
Copyright @2022 by www.CandidCandaSpeaks Out.com
All rights reserved. This blog or any portion thereof may not be printed, copied, reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or similar cited with author's name and copyright.