I find it interesting how ther are those who only wish to find fault and gossip about others. It has been a reality check these past weeks in dealing with my husband's son's death and other issues related to probate. Once we make a mistake, there are those who want to assist us in climbing back to our feet and others who want to cut off our legs completely. Why is this so? It’s never ok to wish harm on anyone else. If you do, you’re actually inviting that bad energy back into your life tenfold. Karma doesn’t discriminate in that regard; what you reap, you will (eventually) sow. Always.
Nothing good comes from sowing or spewing venom or toxicity in the world. Even though it might “feel” good in the moment, it will ultimately cause more problems in the long run. Of course, the long run could be your next lifetime, but that still doesn’t make it right.
In this age of instant gratification and guarded consequences, it’s increasingly more important for us to remember the simple truths and the wisdom of the ages. They’ve lasted as long as they have because they’re as pure as it gets. Time can’t tarnish them.
While this advice seems insightful and generally wise and helpful. However, “stopping just short of desiring harm” suggests we have some control over our feelings and thoughts. We don’t; they arise, and we choose how to work with them. This includes the wish that others suffer. It should not be avoided nor suppressed as karmically dangerous or unacceptable, but understood as an expression of anger, helplessness and hurt. This is not to indulge nor amplify, but to acknowledge and relate to with compassion and curiosity, no less than other feelings and thoughts. We are numan and we will have feelings of revenge! We do or do not have to act on the feelings!
December blessings are the best! Thom and I attended GENTRI concert on Satuday night and what a great time we had. Afterwards, we traveled through Christmas lights and stopped to have supper. I received my graduation packet and we are getting ready to this wonderful new event! Our anniversary is on the 27th and we will be traveling to a secret destination to celebrate!