My master's program is in behavioral psychology, and I have learned much about depression and other mental illnesses. I believe being in college assisted me through an experience (and still have the experience) of a woman stalker. There was a time when she made me feel unworthy to be a member of my community, my family, my employment, my church, and the world. She rallied an "army" to further her "cause", spewing untruths, false stories, internet posts, and letters to family and friends asking for their "help" to assist her in her anger, frustration, jealousy, and rage. I contemplated suicide.
During this time, doctors had given up on my husband and placed him into hospice at our home. She would make fun at his illness, stating I was lying about it. She mocked the relationship with my children and made fun of my son who passed away. This woman would "laugh" about my feelings in court, saying that it was an act and feigning victimhood. We won the court case, and she owes us judgment monies which I am sure, we will never collect.
In research and information from persons that know her, I realized that she is battling her own demons and suffers from different forms of mental illness (which she publicly admits to). If it wasn't for an exceptional husband, a co-worker, and a friend from my childhood days, I don't think I would have made it through. It has taken me many months to forgive and pray for her and we still put up with her nonsense, but this is what we should do. We understand her plight and her need to feel in control.
"A caress, a smile, is full of meaning for one who is sick. It is a simple gesture, but encouraging, he or she feels accompanied, feels closer to being healed, feels like a person, not a number."
~Pope Francis, Leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
Some persons cope better than others, some have incredible family systems, and some are too ashamed to find assistance. I pray for ALL because we are ALL struggling in the conflicts of the world as of late! Everyone we meet, despite their weaknesses, mistakes and shortcomings, need to feel ENOUGH, VALUED and LOVED.