About an hour ago, I received a telephone call and a text message! It seems that the stalker strikes again and has to use the social media forum! The stalker finds it funny that someone would contact me; yes, contact me because he/she wanted to know about the judgment that we have against the stalker that has never been paid and awarded to us from the courts (perhaps the stalker doesn't pay her bills as she claims as a Christian woman). He/she wanted to know what I have experienced from the stalker because the stalker has become more volatile and abusive in word and deed. He/she knew that the truth and the real truth were not matching.
3 or 10 last night I was reading!!! Someone here in Emida, is talking with my stalker. Well isn’t that special. HaHa I find this funny. I do wish my stalker would tell me what she needs to just stop. 12 years of caos, crazy, and relentless. Let's tell the truth, 12 years of her chaos, crazy, and relentless; the hours that she spend calling and writing our children, family, friends, businesses. The hours spent digging up "mud" (this is what happens when a person is entitled and doesn't have to work). This was never done to her. Even Dr. Phil and associates labeled her as "crazy". My husband and I took her to court for harassment, defamation, and slander. She has a permanent injunction (restraining) order against her, she admitted to her negative behavior and violent outbursts against us. She sent a motocycle gang to our home to brutally attack us. She stalked our home and publicly posted photos of our properties and animals including our address. She has to google me to find my writings so she is the one using her own choices to comment about us. There is nothing on my Facebook page in regards to her. I find it interesting that person in her community has to search me out when the stalker is causing harm to others.
I bet she doesn’t know why I’m so interesting to her. I bet she doesn’t understand why she needs to attack people. Funny is what she said, the same day I get a letter saying “we have a new secretary” “we know there are billing errors” “we are going thru an audit” “please be patient” August 2021 is when I started complaining about billing errors, June 2022 is when I filed a lawsuit, July 2022 they volunteer for a billing error audit. The part of this mess that I love is who ever made the decision to talk with my stalker I promise my stalker has lied to them, will use them for a while, and will turn on them too, after 2500 emails (minimum), and now she is already!!! blogging about them. They are sure to love her attention!!! NOT. Yep, Emida has already made it into her blog. Note the exaggerated remarks. Note how she is telling what other persons feel. This is her reality. The stalker's way of resolution is to threaten legal action or file legal action. She has tried three times with me and has failed. The last time miserably because she owes monies to our attorney and us. If she was correct in what she feels is her case, why explain it in the open public. There are good citizens in her beautiful little town that know her and her antics better than I. I have never written 250, 2500, 25000, or 250000 emails as she tried to convice the courts and Dr. Phil. Even Dr. Phil could not find any evidence of such. Her imagination is her reality and we understand the dilema she faces on a daily basis. And what do I need to lie to persons in Emida about? And her promises? They already know what she is like and what she is about; and it isn't about honesty or promises!
3 or 10 my stalker has no idea why she can’t let go, some sort of weird psychology. Johnny is still very much in my life which is her problem with me. Let's talk Johnny! Johnny is an alcoholic who decided that his wife wasn't good enough and cheated. Cheated over and over and over and over again. During the time that I communicated with Johnny, I never was with him in person. I never had an initimate relationship with him. And after finding out that Johnny was having an intimate relationship with the stalker during the entire time that I was talking to him, I defintely wanted nothing to do with him. I found out later that her "bragging" about being with him was just that; bragging. Gross exaggerations. She even bullied other women he was seeing. His claim to her was "he only used her for sex", he felt "sorry for her children" and would purchase groceries to make sure they were fed, and that she was "psycho". He told me that he would never marry her. He said that he had to pay for her electricity to be turned back on, she lived in a dump, and worked in a job where she could drink. He is the one that told me about the enormous amount of money that she stole from an disabled man that she was supposed to be caring for. The man's son sought us out when he found out about her abuse to us. Our stalker cannot stay married. She is jealous of the relationship that I have with my husband and nearly 25 years we have been married despite the bumps and bruises. My husband has been ill for some years and at his side, I have stayed. Our stalker cheated on her husband with Johnny, she was abusive to her husband, and everything was his fault. She even tried to sue his estate and lost. Her ex-husband's family are wonderful, caring people and they tried to accept her. She is the one that destroyed the relationship. I had nothing to do with that. His family sought me out when she tried to sue the estate. I had nothing to do with that.
The water board sent me in writing acknowledgment of billing errors, so this is good for me. And who ever is talking to my stalker; I promise she is researching you, sorting through your posts and life, running background, and collecting info to use against you in the future HAVE FUN AND ENJOY!!! You are sure to love the attention. Soon you will be in the club of us, that are abused by her. When it’s your turn let me know I’m part of a network of people in her wrath. I’ll hook you up. I so love this. It makes me very happy. I have to laugh that I would 'abuse' anyone in her town. Unless, I get a telephone call, not one thought is lost on her! One important and crucial aspect of mental illness is that the person becomes stuck in their own reality and truth. This is her truth. Do you read her words; it makes her happy that persons are abused. It does tell me that in her own way, she admits everything that she did to me in this paragraph. I also know that people do not believe her in her accusations such as this. I have even had one person state, after being accepted to my social media page, that I am not the person that she paints me to be. Club of us; what the heck is that? There is the club of only one; my stalker!
What the writing of the stalk has been made clear; when she lies about the truth, she has to make up an ever bigger lie to make it seem the truth! It is the way of her. It will always be this way of her. There is no doubt that the “difficult” person needs to overhaul their communication and interpersonal skills in the area or areas that make them difficult for many people. But what about you? Have you considered that the difficult person could be viewed as a reminder that you’re not as assertive as you need to be? That difficult person isn’t likely to change, are they? You can either keep letting that person push your button or you can decide it’s time for you to learn to be more assertive and set boundaries with them. The difficult person can teach you, “This isn’t just all about me; you have a part in this as well.” This is an important lesson that I have learned from the stalker. I stand firm; I stand on the side of truth. I stand with the person(s) who wish to know the truth. Bad banter on a social media page only serves to show what idiots we can be.
The difficult person has a behavior (or several) that is so unpleasant that everyone agrees there’s a problem; a serious problem. The bigger problem is they’re oblivious to what’s plain to everyone else! How can that be? The answer is that they’re just like you and me. We all have blind spots. We’re not blind to a horrendous behavior because our behaviors aren’t on that level. Yet, we’re not perfect either. Difficult people remind us that we all have blind spots. We can be like the difficult people and stay oblivious, or we can learn from them ask for some candid feed-back. Just because our behavior might not be a serious problem doesn’t mean we should ignore it. Pick and choose the battles. This is definitely a b attle I do not care for.
Who do you find it the most difficult to be around? Is it the narcissist who makes sure the conversation is always about them? Is it the complainer who finds fault with every single thing that doesn't agree with them? Or is it the passive-aggressive person who has perfected his or her tone while delivering the accusation, “That’s not what I meant—don’t be so sensitive!”? We all have buttons, areas of sensitivity that others can easily find and manipulate. Whatever yours is, the difficult person is there to remind you that it’s still there and that they “own” you as long as you have that button.
I no longer have that button; the stalker has taught me to be a better person today than I was yesterday. Her posts are the same; woe, is me! I am the victim, I am being abused, my actions are not to blame. Who wants to live such a life? Maybe more black plastic on the rear window is needed.