Too often as pass people in a hurry, without caring or thinking twice. I can go for many days without thinking about someone unless they remind me that they still exist. May we judge those who aren't moving as well as we think they should be. Rarely do we ever stop; just to witness, or to listen. Or love.
Because we forget, or perhaps never learned, that every passing face represents a story just as captivating, complicated and worthy as our own. Everyone has inadvertently changed them and forced them to struggle, adapt, and grow. Everyone's smile has been earned. Everyone we have met has fought hard, and continues to fight in some way. And to them, it's equally as significant, worthwhile, and difficult as whatever we are going through. It is interesting and easy, when we take witness and listen, with a true heart, instead of bypassing or judging too much too quickly, we can learn so much. About ourselves. About each other. About love in general.
The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling. And even more beautiful when we go out of our way to be the reason behind the smile.
If we have the power to make someone smile today, let's do it. It is worth it. The world needs more of this right now.
Some people build walls in their lives and not enough bridges. There is no good reason to be one of them. Take small chances on people.
Be present, Be thoughtful. Compliment, magnify the strengths and not their weaknesses.
