I am watching the snow flurry out the window of my office and it is breathtaking. I love winter; I love the snow. It seems to give a sense of peace and freshness. I love being in our home with the wood stove and fireplace giving a sense of security and love. Why be miserable when there are so many blessings around me? After all, I overcame it. I am standing on my ground and I am coming out on top.
Being miserable is a way of life for some people because they get sympathy, constant reassurance from other miserable people and a sense of self, defined by whatever circumstance they find themselves in. I think the best way to assist a miserable person is to lead by an example of happiness and success. I overcome obstacles everyday with my husband's illness, employment, even the farm chores. The satisfaction is a hot shower or bath, a beautiful, warm bed with clean sheets, good books to read, and a wonderful companion to share it all with.
Rest can feel like an impossible thing to accomplish in our everyday lives. Our bodies need rest and to be energized. Remember, our spirits need rest to keep our bodies well. That is why God encourages us to rest and give Him every care. He sacrificed everything so that, through grace, all the heavy lifting is done for us. Giving our spirit a rest, it requires will give our mind the break it needs to ace the day with hope. If we let God lighten our mental load today, we will have room for HIs love to flow through us even more.