We had an interesting class last night. We are speaking about mental disorders that can alter the journey of one's path. Are they really mental illness or the attempt at being a coward? I have always wondered about the mind of the coward, though.
Here are some of my thoughts:
Cowards are pretty consistent in their cowardice. I’ve never seen a coward doing something brave.
If you put a courageous person next to a coward, the coward will become less scared; or more brutal!
However, it is possible that she (the coward) is just acting brave because she is afraid of the consequences of having a braver person witnessing her cowardice.
Short: the coward becomes braver because she’s afraid of being called out.
Never blame a coward! It’s not her fault; or is it?!
Never trust a coward!
Bravery is the most inconsistent virtue of all.
Alcohol makes people brave while a hangover can turn you into a coward.
Once a person has committed an act of cowardice, it’s very difficult for them to change their behavior. Cowardice sticks.
Bravery, on the other hand, doesn’t. It is easier to bully behind a computer screen than it is to live in the real world.
Coward is an ugly word. It isn’t helpful and should never be used on the battlefield.
Since I am in a soon-to-be legal battle with a coward, as I look through the documents that will be presented, I am seeing a pattern. A pattern of concealing the demons; a life that has not been an easy one, and a life filled with pain and suffering.
Mental illness or self-induced?