It is amazing how a person reacts to truth. Mean, angry, impulsive .. the list can go on and on. Here are a few things that I have observed this past weekend and thought about while kayaking and enjoying cool waters, wildlife, and sunshine with family! People who feel inferior will often puff themselves up to alleviate their own sense of weakness. The longer insecure people can avoid confronting their true selves, the better they will use manipulative strategies to improve their image. Feelings of inferiority that lead to a desire to feel important may predispose some individuals to loneliness. (Whoooaaa, this does fit the profile)!
You know you’re in the presence of people trying to show how important they are by the way they attempt to make you feel inferior. For reasons you can’t quite explain, you look at yourself more critically when you’re in their presence and may start to wonder why you’re such a failure. It’s a relief to get away from them, so you can relax and be yourself. Then the reality check; YOU are not the issue! THEY are with their mean words, shallow comments, and dirty mouths! Hiding behind the mud and crud of the reality of their own pathetic world attempting to validate bad behavior. But people who feel inferior will often puff themselves up to alleviate their own sense of weakness. One person that we have studied in class is a Viennese psychoanalyst, Alfred Adler, was one of the first theorists to address such individuals by defining the quality of “striving for superiority.” Adler, who also coined the term “inferiority complex,” believed that people who were convinced of their own weaknesses would build an outward shell in which they went through unusual efforts to present themselves in the most favorable possible light, in order to avoid confronting their own weak and wobbly interiors. This was a correlational study, so there’s no way to know whether people who feel inferior tend to feel lonelier, or whether the lonely perceive themselves as inferior to everyone else. There were also no measures of striving for superiority so that all we know is that perceptions of inferiority can lead individuals to feel isolated. When you’re looking for signs of striving for superiority in others, keep in mind that to the extent that they are based on deep-seated inferiority feelings, the individuals who display them aren’t all that content with their relationships or, quite likely, themselves. When insecure people feel threatened by the possibility that other people are smarter than they are, they’ll feel irrationally challenged. Even if they don’t actually know what they’re talking about, they’ll put on a show with the hope that their razzle-dazzle will fool the crowd (how true is this). Needless to say, they'll dismiss your contributions as irrelevant or as conveying information that they of course already knew. They even blow-up hateful stories to make their truth seem truth!
How sad that demeaning and degrading are a way of life. There is so much of life to be enjoyed. Find the best in the world and the best will be presented back to you! This I do know as truth!
PS: I am up to 560 followers, two published short stories, BOOYAH! No false social media profiles, and I do not use my stalker's social security number to obtain her personal information like she does mine. No smoking! Clean home! I didn't leave my husband because he was ill and dying. Oh, wait! I have a husband! My life is completely transparent. AND I love how she follows my life! I must make her proud! BTW: when are you sending us the $25K in court appointment monies that you owe in IDAHO? How is this for TRUTH!