I haven't written for a while because life has been busy, and crazy, and amazing! The winter has felt long but I am appreciating the moisture that we are receiving to help move away from drought status. We have plowed the massive piles of snow into our irrigation ditches so as the snow melts, it will fill the voids with water soaking down into our well.
I have learned I am not the same person that I was a year ago, a month ago, or even a week ago. I am growing; my experiences never stop. There are places in our lives that aren't meant to stay. Sometimes the changes we don't want are the changes we need to grow. Growth and change may be painful sometimes, but nothing in life is as painful as staying where I do not belong.
As I am finishing up another college semester, I am amazed at what I am accomplishing. My teaching certification hours are almost complete. My manuscript is in the hands of the publisher for the second reading. Whiskey is incredible with his training and we have added another equine to our amazing herd. My husband had another horrible bout with pancreatitis but we have survived the hospital stay and other issues (this is what we do; never leave their side). We are looking forward to the Oregon Coast in April and the Alaskan cruise in August. Our backyard is turning into a garden and BBQ oasis. It was fun to reconnect with family members and high school friends this weekend. Hard work, being kind to others, and loving our God is priority and blessings.
I am beyond grateful for the lessons I have learned and for the people that have shown me how I do not want to be. High fives for positive people!