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And I Write ...

Never Allow February 15, 2023 (Continued) Some years ago, I joined a writing guild and have attended three incredible conferences. I also...

How To Deter A Stalker

How to Deter A Stalker Today I had a wonderful conversation with two police departments and the federal bureau of investigation. What...

Throwing Stones!

"This business of beams and motes seems to be closely related to our inability to see ourselves clearly. I’m not sure why we are able to...

The Best Revenge

I had a long conversation with the office of the Attorney General of the Sate of Idaho. It is amazing how much I learned and how to take...

December Blessings

“This year, mend a quarrel. Seek out a forgotten friend. Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust. Write a letter. Give a soft answer....

Think Positive!

We humans have a tendency to give more importance to negative experiences than to positive or neutral experiences. This is called the...

5th of December Blessings

December Blessings! My husband and I met with an INCREDIBLE ATTORNEY this morning and we are moving into the next phase of the judgments...

Monday Blessings

I find it interesting how ther are those who only wish to find fault and gossip about others. It has been a reality check these past...

Not Lost

For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10) It is the first day of December and the last month of...

Tell The Story

"We will criticize, attack, and try to sabotage other women, because it rattles us to see in them what we have not permitted in...

How to Deter A Stalker

Today I had a wonderful conversation with two police departments and the federal bureau of investigation. What prompted the...


There are some people that derive satisfaction from seeing or hearing about other's mishaps, failures, or troubles. This is a phenomenon...

New Day, New Way

I made mistakes yesterday. I was pushed to anger and I was angry. Sometimes having to deal with human resource issues can be daunting and...

The Adventure

The weather was cooler and with the cloud cover, it was a comfortable day. The fields had rain during the night and was an answer to...

Thank You

To heartbreak - thank you for breaking me wide open and giving birth to a new me. To dissatisfaction - thank you for helping me to unlock...

Stop Being Okay

Stop being okay with things you really are not okay with! This has been a tough lesson to learn the past couple of years, but I have...

Saturday Song

We drove to the Parker Cabin in the Joseph Peak area of the mountains surrounding my husband's birthplace. His sister passed away last...

Gratitude in the Journey

I love this quote! I received a call from our technology genius who has been pulling everything from the internet and other places in...

Love the Friday Vibe

Pathological Liars need sympathy cuz they are mentally ill. They don’t know they are sick. They don’t care how they hurt people & if ya...

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